Plasterboard Ceilings
Common applications include surgical rooms, clinically clean rooms, X-ray rooms, laboratories or pool environments. Utilising standard plasterboard or the newer range of performance boards, Plasterboard ceilings provide a plain ceiling with the appearance of plain plaster creating a completely sealed unit. With the use of perforated plasterboards it is possible to combine the clean look of the plasterboard with a level of acoustic absorption in communal areas.
Service opening to cubicle MF ceiling, Building 141, Milton Park, Didcot
Gyptone perforated plasterboard ceiling, Communial Corridors, Barns Road
Reception & Toiet Core, Building 141, Milton Park, Didcot
Perforated plasterboard acoustic rafts, Dance Studios, Fleming Park Leisure Centre
Perforated plasterboard acoustic rafts, Dance Studios, Fleming Park Leisure Centre
Partitions, Linings and Ceiling, Fleming Park Leisure Centre, Eastleigh
Plasterboard ceiling grid to Atrium, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke
Core MF plasterboard Ceiling, Quad 1, Harwell Campus
Plasterboard Margin Detail with Shadowline perimeter trim constructed at the New Life Sciences Building, University of Reading.
Atrium MF Plasterboard Ceiling and lighting, Quad 1, Harwell Campus
Perforated plasterboard ceiling and recessed lighting, Fleming Park Leisure Centre
Perforated plasterboard ceiling and recessed lighting, Fleming Park Leisure Centre
Perforated plasterboard acoustic rafts, Dance Studios, Fleming Park Leisure Centre
Raked MF Ceiling Gridwork above 'feature' beam constructed at Kingston Mills Development, Bradford-on-Avon.
Staircase soffit lining, Building 141, Milton Park, Didcot
Perforated plasterboard ceiling, recessed lighting and skylights, Fleming Park Leisure Centre
Plasterboard ceiling to Atrium, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke
Raking plasterboard ceiling and skylights, Romford Brewery Development
Lighting raft below MF plasterboard ceiling
Rigitone Ceiling and Gyptone Acoustic panels, Northampton School for Boys
Perforated plasterboard acoustic ceiling and recessed lighting, Fleming Park Leisure Centre
Reception & Toiet Core, Building 141, Milton Park, Didcot
Curved plasterboard ceiling to Concourse, Romford Brewery Development
Curved plasterboard ceilings and bulkhead at Honilands School
Perforated plasterboard acoustic rafts, Dance Studios, Fleming Park Leisure Centre
Raked MF Ceiling Gridwork above 'feature' beam constructed at Kingston Mills Development, Bradford-on-Avon.
Perforated plasterboard ceiling and recessed lighting, Fleming Park Leisure Centre
Perforated plasterboard ceiling, recessed lighting and skylights, Fleming Park Leisure Centre
Perforated plasterboard ceiling and recessed lighting, Fleming Park Leisure Centre
Perforated plasterboard acoustic rafts, Dance Studios, Fleming Park Leisure Centre
Perforated plasterboard acoustic ceiling and recessed lighting, Fleming Park Leisure Centre
Perforated plasterboard acoustic rafts, Dance Studios, Fleming Park Leisure Centre
Acoustic plasterboard ceiling to Penthouse apartment communal corridor, 28 Park Street, London
MF Ceiling Gridwork constructed at Kingston Mills Development, Bradford-on-Avon.
Curved plasterboard ceilings and bulkhead at Honilands School
Gyptone perforated plasterboard ceiling, Communial Corridors, Barns Road
Plasterboard ceiling to Atrium, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke
MF Ceiling Gridwork constructed at Kingston Mills Development, Bradford-on-Avon.
Framework for curved plasterboard ceilings at Honilands School
Gyptone Plasterboard tile ceiling
MF Ceiling constructed at Kingston Mills Development, Bradford-on-Avon