Office refurbishment and extension, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke, Hampshire
Following a successful project at the Harvey Centre, Aspect were commissioned to undertake the extensive alteration and fit-out works required as part of the redevelopment of the dated Chineham Gate office building. EOS SFS oversail frames were installed to the new link areas and new frontage. Partitions and MF ceilings formed new toilet cores and Atrium and an SAS system 130 ceiling with plasterboard margins was installed throughout the open plan offices.
SAS System 130 ceiling and plasterboard margins and column casings, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke
SAS Alugrid and Plasterboard Margin, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke
Office alteration and refurbishment, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke
SAS Alugrid and fire curtain, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke
SAS System 130 tile in Alugrid, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke
SAS System 130 tile in Alugrid, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke
SAS System 130 tile in Alugrid, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke
SAS System 130 tile in Alugrid, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke
SAS System 130 tile in Alugrid, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke
SAS System 130 tile in Alugrid, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke
SAS System 720 linear panel ceiling, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke
SAS System 720 linear panel ceiling, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke
SAS System 720 linear panel ceiling, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke
SAS System 720 linear panel ceiling, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke
SAS System 720 linear panel ceiling, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke
SAS System 720 linear panel ceiling, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke
SAS System 720 linear panel ceiling, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke
SAS System 720 linear panel ceiling and timber feature wall panels, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke
Twin studs partitions to full height Atrium, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke
Partitions to form toilet core, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke
Partitions and ceiling grid to Atrium, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke
Partitions to form toilet core, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke
Plantroom Shaftwall enclosure, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke
SFS to new link building, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke
SFS and Weather Defence boarding, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke
SFS to new link building, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke
Plasterboard ceiling grid to Atrium, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke
Plasterboard ceiling to Atrium, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke
Plasterboard ceiling to Atrium, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke
Plasterbaord margins, bulkheads and column casings, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke
Plasterboard Margin and SAS Alugrid ceiling, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke
Atrium ceiling and walkway bulkhead, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke
Perimeter plasterboard bulkhead and SAS Alugrid, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke
Plasterboard bulkhead and column encasements, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke
Sloping plasterboard ceilings and bulkheads below gantry walkway, Atrium Area, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke
Sloping plasterboard ceilings and bulkheads below gantry walkway, Atrium Area, Chineham Gate, Basingstoke