Diamond Synchrotron, Harwell, Oxon
Following a successful project at Prospect Park, Aspect were employed by Warings to install the SAS ceilings and margins as part of the fit out of office and lab space around the Diamond Light facility at Harwell.
Acoustic Floor
Acoustic Wall Panels
Curved Plasterboard
Demountable Partitions
Fire Encasement
Glass Fibre Ceilings
Mass Barrier Ceilings
Metal Panelled Ceilings
Metal Strip Ceilings
Metal Stud Partitions
- Structural Studwork
– Cinemas
– Hospitals
– Residential
Mineral Fibre Ceilings
Mono Acoustic
Plasterboard Ceilings
Plasterboard Features
Profiled Ceilings
Rafts and Baffles
Sub Grid