Honilands School, Enfield
Engaged by Murphy Group, Aspect provided the external SFS envelope along with internal partitions, curved MF and Gyptone plank ceilings to form a new teaching block.
Engaged by Murphy Group, Aspect provided the external SFS envelope along with internal partitions, curved MF and Gyptone plank ceilings to form a new teaching block.
Acoustic Floor
Acoustic Wall Panels
Curved Plasterboard
Demountable Partitions
Fire Encasement
Glass Fibre Ceilings
Mass Barrier Ceilings
Metal Panelled Ceilings
Metal Strip Ceilings
Metal Stud Partitions
- Structural Studwork
– Cinemas
– Hospitals
– Residential
Mineral Fibre Ceilings
Mono Acoustic
Plasterboard Ceilings
Plasterboard Features
Profiled Ceilings
Rafts and Baffles
Sub Grid